Counseling & Consulting
Email: carballal41@gmail.com
Phone: (214) 663-1591
Goals of Family Counseling
Parent-Teen Relationship
Build better communication skills.
Active listening.
Nonverbal communication.
Develop self-awareness and patience.
De-escalate conflict.
How to respond to "mistakes."
Modeling respect.
Understand your teen, adolescent, and young adult.
Family counseling can help your family build better understanding, mutual respect, patience, and communication skills. It can develop techniques to increase your ability to navigate disagreements.
Adolescent development involves discovering Who Am I, How Do I Fit In. This comes with conflict, uncertainty, and an increased need for independence and autonomy. Parents often respond to teens with anger or criticism, or they try to resolve the conflict for their children, instead of collaborating with their children to find out what they need to resolve issues on their own.
For more information email me or call me at (214) 663-1591 for a free 15-minutes consultation. For information about the counseling process visit our "Getting Started" page.
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